Have you ever let yourself down because of fear? Well if I’m being honest that's exactly how I’m feeling this morning. August 13th, 2020 is supposed to be my launch day for my website from Prepped & Plated, but I let fear of the unknown get in my way (slightly). See I can run a list of reasons why I didn’t meet all my deadlines but I know they aren’t legit reasons more so excuses.
Why call them excuses? Well, when I sit back and think about where we are right now in the world, we are definitely living in the unknown. Think about it, we still don’t have any idea of where Corona came from nor do we know when is it leaving yet we still carry on with or without fear. Oh let’s not forget the current presidential election, you can’t tell me that the thought of it doesn’t give you chills, but we aren’t here to talk politics.
In the midst of a global pandemic I have seen so many people start become successful entrepreneurs with business they have wanted to start forever. I have seen others take their god given gifts and perfect them. People have spent time in the unknown to find themselves and taken fear and flourished. So as I sit back and reflect of on all the good that has come from the unknown and the fear I ask myself why am I letting it get the best of me?
I’m use to using disappointment as a fuel but instead I decided to use fear and the unknown as fuel. Well for starters the unknown and fear are already here and present. Disappointment, well that’s something I would have to create for myself and I clearly don’t have the time do conjure that up right now I have deadlines to meet!
So I leave you all with this. One day maybe a year or so ago i has a conversation with my AD at work, I honestly don’t remember exact the content of the conversation. However, they next day I walked into my office a saw a card in my keyboard, that read “It’s often best to do the opposite of what your fear is telling you to do.” I wasn’t quite sure what to think of it then I just remember being confused about how that tied into our conversation. Well here we are a year later possibly and not only has that quote resonated in my career with trusting and knowing that I am enough for any position. It has helped me achieve my own personal goals of putting not only myself by my business Prepped & Plated out there to share with the world. I stared fear in the face and won the blinking contest! Today is September 27th, 2020 in the words of my good, good friend Leel “WE LIVE WOOAAAHHHH!”
Sip On that,
Mary K.